Will Real Estate Salespeople Have To Shift Like Cable Companies?

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Consider this:

Cable companies, the gatekeepers of home entertainment (with the worst customer service records of most industries) have been shifting their model from the ownership of the access to entertainment to a more internet-based model of delivering the connectivity that a person needs in the information age that reaches beyond the channels the cable companies have controlled the access to thus far.

“Steaming this” and “downloading that” has changed the way people access their entertainment choices and the once-powerful (and single ...

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Your Customer Base Builds Your Business, So How Do You Build Your Customer Base?

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You’re probably running several different marketing campaigns right now and deciding on the next one or two to try.

You’re spending a few minutes here and there on social media so that you have an active page.

You update your website regularly or have some automated features so that it looks refreshed every so often.

You’ve set aside blocks of time to make cold calls, to go out door knocking and to spend at networking and community events.

The 80/20 rule comes ...

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Building Your Brand: The Brokerage Name Conflict

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Real estate sales is a business like no other. Real estate brokers help people with what is usually the largest purchase in their lives and with careful consideration navigates their client through the hurdles of home ownership with dedication and intimate knowledge of the market.

Business success depends on their ability to differentiate themselves through their marketing efforts to stand out from the few brands and many agents that real estate brokerage franchises represent.

Traditional Brokerage Model Continue Reading →