Five Resolutions For Real Estate Brokers

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As we head into the New Year many of us will make resolutions to lose weight and become healthier, grow our business and be more prosperous.

These are worthwhile resolutions geared to inspire us to a better lifestyle and a way to capture more enjoyment from our careers.

But we know that only the truly dedicated for change manage to follow-through and achieve their goals for the year.

I offer you my tips for a better New Year for Real Estate Brokers because in this business its hustle that counts.

  1. Create a game plan for following up with past clients
  2. Dedicate one night a week to networking events
  3. Set aside 30 minutes a day to participate on social media
  4. Update marketing materials with new photos and branding
  5. Take sales training courses to learn new techniques and reinforce current ones

Look at your past monthly schedules and see how easily all of these tips can fit in without requiring any additional time, allowing you to be more productive and you’ll soon be taking the steps to building your business to the next level.

To your future success!