Real Estate in the News

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This week’s top real estate news in Ontario and how your real estate business could be affected.

OREA loses real estate licensing education
The Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) has lost a bid to continue providing Ontario real estate licensing education after 2020, sources tell REM.
RECO senior communications officer Adam Hawkins would not confirm or deny the allegations, telling REM that he can’t say much about the RFP process other than to confirm that the process ...

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Real Estate in the News

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Stay up-to-date with all real estate news updated continually on our Facebook page.

CMHC Releases its 2016 Q1 Housing Market Assessment Report for Canada and 15 Markets
In Toronto, overall strong evidence of problematic conditions reflects a combination of price acceleration and overvaluation. We are also monitoring for the potential emergence of overbuilding in Toronto due to the high number of condominium units under construction. Inventory management therefore continues to be necessary to make sure that ...

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